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The Lean Architecting Certificate Program

The ERA™ Consortium is seeks to help complex organizations within Military, other Government, and Commercial environments to achieve world-class enterprise performance. As part of that commitment, we want to help those organizations develop their own organic capabilities. To facilitate that process, AAC, the lead organization within the ERA™ Consortium, offers this Train-the-Trainer program. The following is an overview of the components of our Lean Architecting Certificate Program.

Enterprise Re-Architecting (ERA™) and Organization Design for Transformation
The Lean Architecting Certificate Program was designed with the DoD Transformation process in mind. The training program provides executive education in Lean Enterprise Architecting methods and process, Transformation Lifecycle Management, Organization Change Management and Leadership, Lean Supply Chain Management, and Lean/Cellular Manufacturing Design and Implementation. Workforce training includes Lean Manufacturing and cell design theory in order to support Strategic Business Unit (SBU) and production system design efforts. This training supports design activities for all SBU’s and Cell transformation. The following are Enterprise Re-Architecting (ERA) and Organization Design courses for executives and supervisors:

• Enterprise Re-Architecting (ERA) and Organizational Design
Lean Manufacturing Systems and Cell Design – See our Enterprise Emulation Modeling (EEM) Tool Set; a powerful tool to teach lean concepts
• Supply Chain Analysis and Design
• Workforce Planning & Design of Manufacturing Cells

Lean Enterprise Principles and Transformation
This three-day intensive course provides a comprehensive overview on lean principles and practices, and provides a new framework in defining a lean enterprise. Lean means adding value by eliminating waste, being responsive to change, focusing on quality and enhancing the effectiveness of the enterprise. Lean enterprise implementation and assessment is presented using a lean enterprise model developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Many of the principles and strategies presented in the course are based upon extensive research conducted from MIT’s International Motor Vehicle and Lean Aerospace Initiative. The course covers the lean philosophy in depth along with the key supporting tools and practices for successful lean enterprise transformation. The course analyzes lean transformation unique issues that are applicable to both sustainment organizations and extended networks.

Sustainment Analysis and Life Cycle Management
This three-day intensive course presents system engineering and sustainability analysis methodologies and strategies required to design, produce, operate and maintain cost effective systems. Initial focus is on need identification and problem definition. We will review systems engineering synthesis, functional analysis and evaluation activities during the complete life cycle from the conceptual and preliminary design phases to deployment and Sustainment.

The course emphasis on sustainability attributes will be presented as part of the systems engineering process. Attributes include, but are not limited to, maintainability, accessibility, standardization, modularization, testability, mobility, interchangeability, serviceability, manufacturability, and affordability.

This course will provide the participant with tools and technology that can be used throughout the life cycle from the perspective of system sustainment.

Sustainment Principles and Strategies
This course provides an executive overview of systems sustainment and includes recent research results from several fields of studies, such as supply chain management, integrated lean enterprises and elogistics. The course integrates systems engineering principles (e.g., supportability analysis and operational effectiveness methodologies) with proven commercial business practices and strategies used today in industry.

Through group case study discussions, we will present and evaluate new sustainment approaches for commercial off-the-shelf intensive systems. We will also explore new logistics technologies, tools, and application software systems. The instructor uses several case studies to illustrate critical principles and practices for systems sustainment analysis, design and implementation.


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