As part of our mission to help
clients achieve world-class enterprise performance,
the ERA™ Consortium wants to keep you informed
of events that we consider to be of special significance.
For more details, click
on the event title to be taken to the event sponsor
Web site.
Detail: Objective is to provide practitioners and researchers in academia, industry, and government a common platform to present, discuss and influence Systems Engineering research with the intent to enhance Systems Engineering practice and education. |
Detail: 3rd Annual All-Hands Meeting of DoD Architecture Professionals. Hosted by the Director of Architecture and Interoperability, Office of the Deputy CIO, DoD and United States Central Command |
Detail: The 18th Enterprise Architecture Practitioners Conference in Glasgow will seek to detail the core elements of an Enterprise Architecture that provide the foundation for a dynamic and successful business environment. |
Detail: Focuses on the opportunities that simulation provides to deliver results in alignment with organizational objectives |
Detail: The conference is set to make the creation of a sustainable, business-appropriate EA capability easy! |
Detail: Recognizing that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to this emerging field, the European Enterprise Architecture Conference provides a broad, practical perspective on EA, and typically attracts a wide range of speakers and delegates from round the world. |
Detail: To address the expanding scope of Systems Engineering application and responsibility. Examples of this expanding scope are Safety & Security, Disaster control, Resource efficiency, Infrastructure, Transportation systems, Climate impact, Water Management, Education & Government, Sustainable developments... you name it. |
Detail: Engagement, Leadership, Globalization, and Innovation. Includes Academic Tracks, Industry Tracks, and Plenary Sessions. |
Detail: Requirements engineering for a sustainable world. Sustainability of the earth and its natural resources represents a crucial issue that must be addressed in this technology-centric century. Software plays a vital role in controlling machines and buildings that have a direct impact on the environment. When the target domain of software to be developed has a potential impact on the global environment, complex factors should be taken into consideration during the analysis and definition of requirements. This is a new challenge facing Requirements Engineering. |
Detail: The Enterprise Architecture 2008 Conference will bring together architecture, IT, and program management professionals from government, industry, and academia. |
Detail: Provide insight, information and lessons learned into how we can improve the overall performance of defense programs via a better, more focused application of systems engineering that will lead to more capable, interoperable and supportable weapon systems for the warfighter, with reduced total ownership costs, to help our military meet its current and new Mission Area and Capabilities requirements. |
2009 |