a Performance Based Enterprise
When most professionals talk about designing
a performance based enterprise, they inadvertently
slip into discussions about the IT system. The
ERA™ methodology maintains a broader and
more holistic perspective. While ERA™ addresses
thoroughly the Technical Systems within the enterprise,
such as IT and manufacturing systems; it also
focuses on the Human Systems and the Administrative
and Organization Systems which collectively define
the enterprise.
Before the enterprise architecture is selected
and design begins, ERA™ leads us through
a structured set of thought and design processes,
as described here.
Strategy Formulation
Strategy Formulation defines the process of specifying
an organization's objectives, developing policies
and plans to achieve these objectives, and allocating
the resources that will implement the plans. It
is the highest level of managerial activity, usually
performed by the company's Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) and executive team. It provides overall
direction to the whole enterprise. An organization’s
strategy must be appropriate for its resources,
circumstances, and objectives.
Strategic Analysis
A business model (business design) is the mechanism
by which a business intends to generate revenue
and profits. It is a summary of how a company
plans to serve its customers and involves both
strategy and implementation.
Architectural Design
An Enterprise Architecture describes business
structures and the processes that connect them.
Systems Engineering is the application for engineering
the solutions to a complete problem, in its full
environment, by the systematic assembly and matching
of parts in the context of the lifetime use of
the system.
Architectural Management
A Design Architecture is an arrangement of design
elements that provides the design solution for
a product or life cycle process intended to satisfy
the functional architecture and the requirements
baseline (IEEE 1220).
Once a Design Architecture has been develop using
ERA™ it will have the inherent performance
characteristics required to thrive. What’s
more, the nominal and maximum performance characteristics
will be known before any resources are expended
to developed the implementation. Indeed, this
is what defines a performance based enterprise
Each element of the ERA™ process can be
mapped to the enterprise’s key performance
HERE to see an Example.