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ERA™ is Compatible with Military, Commercial, and
Government Architectural Frameworks

Military Architectural Frameworks
The Department of Defense (DoD) Architecture Framework (DoDAF) is a framework for development of a systems architecture or enterprise architecture (EA). All major DoD weapons and information technology system procurements are required to develop an EA and document that architecture using the set of views prescribed in the DoDAF. While it is clearly aimed at military systems, it has broad applicability across the private, public and voluntary sectors around the world and represents only one of a large number of systems architecture frameworks. It is especially suited to large systems with complex integration and interoperability challenges, and is apparently unique in its use of "operational views" detailing the external customer's operating domain in which the developing system will operate (ref. Zachman framework).

Commercial Architectural Frameworks
The commercial world is not driven by government-imposed regulations, however, forces such as industry best practices, pressure from customers demanding system compatibility, and other free-market influencers have resulted in standards that govern the development of systems. Commercial frameworks are embodied in such standards as:

• preEN/ISO 19439: Enterprise Integration - Framework for Enterprise Modeling, ISO TC 184/SC5/WG1 - CEN TC 310/WG1, 2003
• preEN/ISO 19440: Enterprise Integration - Constructs for Enterprise Modeling, ISO TC 184/SC5/WG1 - CEN TC 310/WG1, 2003
• ISA 95.00.01: Enterprise-Control System Integration , IEC/ISO JWG15, 2002
• ENV 13550: Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Systems Architecture - Enterprise Model Execution and Integration Services, , CEN/TC310, 1999
• IS 15704: Requirements for Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodologies, ISO TC 184/SC5/WG1, 1998
• IS 14258: Industrial Automation Systems - Concepts and Rules for Enterprise Models, ISO TC 184/SC5/WG1, 1998
• ENV 12204: Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Systems Architecture - Constructs for Enterprise Modeling, CEN TC 310/WG1, 1996
• ENV 40003: Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Systems Architecture - Framework for Enterprise Modeling, CEN/CENELEC, 1991

Government Architectural Frameworks
The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Framework is an organizing mechanism for managing development, maintenance, and facilitated decision making of a Federal Enterprise Architecture. The Framework provides a structure for organizing Federal resources and for describing and managing Federal EA activities. In contrast to many failed “architecture” efforts in the past, the FEA is entirely business-driven. Its foundation is the Business Reference Model, which describes the government’s Lines of Business and its services. This business-based foundation provides a common framework for improvement in a variety of key areas such as:

• Budget Allocation
• Performance Measurement
• Cross-Agency Collaboration
• Component-Based Architectures
• Information Sharing
• Budget / Performance Integration
• E-Government

ERA™ is particularly well suited for application within this new environment due to its emphasis on business requirements, a client-centered approach, and results-oriented focus.


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