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Our Enterprise Emulation Modeling (EEM) Tool Set

EEM was created by the ERA™ Consortium’s lead developer, AAC. EEM is a highly interactive and agile tool set whose purpose is to simulate a physical and theoretical model of an enterprise. It is designed to complement our training courses and to demonstrate the power of architecting. Simulated processes include Assembly, Disassembly, Depot repair, Inspection, WIP stockpiles, Integration & Test, and Supply chain issues.

The model consists of "gadgets“ in the form of color coded pegs, blocks, and boxes. It utilizes computerized real time data acquisition of the various parameters in the simulated enterprise processes. This serves to expedite the analysis of each exercise, allowing for greater value-added time for the participants.

During the exercise, the computer interacts with the participants providing both audio and visual feedback. Each (individual) simulated production process includes inputs and outputs from the computer. Inputs to the computer include data such as process time, quantities, etc. Outputs from the computer are in the form of audio signals on a small speaker and light emitting diodes.

The computer facilitates extensive data analysis, report generation, and records a permanent record of simulation data for future analysis. The information recorded includes Model Configuration (Setup), Simulation Parameters (including obstructions), Exercise Result Data, Data Analysis, and Report Summaries

During training, we run enterprise simulations and collect financial data to determine the effectiveness of the various architectural approaches we experiment with.

• Click Here to View the EEM Tool Set
• Click Here to View Sample Financial Reports

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