Component – Administrative & Organizational
(A&O) Systems
A&O systems are the apparatus by which the
enterprise communicates, internally and externally.
This includes such subjective elements as the
organization’s mission, business objectives
and its value proposition to the market as well
as objective elements such as the organizational
structure, business processes & rules, internal
& external reporting, etc.
ERA™ uses a structured, well-defined approach
to address these elements in the enterprise design.
It provides for the continual formulation of business
strategies and resulting models and assesses their
alignment on a continual basis. Finally, ERA™
provides a robust and tailored set of measurement
tools and metrics.
A Trend Toward Streamlined
Today’s successful organizations are leaning
toward flatter and less centralized structures
with fewer levels of middle management. These
organizations realize that their bureaucratic
cultures of defined roles and rigid processes
must give way to a knowledge-based culture that
is constantly learning and forever challenging
its own way of doing business.
It has been proven that well-trained workers
with a better understanding of their responsibilities
are more productive when they are directly involved
in the business strategy formulation. This more
enlightened organizational model known as empowerment
promotes employee involvement through a decentralized
decision making process. By elevating the level
of responsibility of employees and by eliminating
layers of middle management, the entire organization
is more engaged.
ERA™ can help the organization implement
an agile A&O system for its enterprise so
that Internal and External feedback is more dynamic
and the organization becomes more streamlined
and agile.
• Human Systems
• Administrative
and Organizational (A&O) Systems
• Technical Systems